— The Most Complete Website about Gulmarg Ski Resort





請參閱我們的租賃價格頁面了解更多。 Visit our Rental Rates page to get a good idea of pricing.

Camping Gear Rental in Gulmarg

Going Touring away from the crowd and off the beaten track can be a very pleasant adventure to add to your Gulmarg trip.

There is a lot to explore around Mt. Apharwat and Gulmarg. We offer guided tours to Sunshine Peak, including 1 or 2 nights sleeping in the backcountry.

It is possible to rent camping gear at an equipment rental shop, but the resources are very limited.

Over the 2011 ski season, it was impossible to rent a tent, but camping mattresses were available. There was one MSR camping burner, but it was dirty and you will need to ask the heliski company if they want to sell you a little bit of clean helicopter fuel. The Kerosene in Gulmarg is too dirty and clogs the burner in no time.

Other Winter Gear

It is possible to rent cross country skis and ski around the Golf course on a groomed cross country track.

It is also possible to rent snowshoes to walk around and enjoy the beautiful Himalayan scenery.

If you feel like skating on the ice rink, the Government Rental Center has ice skates for rent.


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雙板雪板 & 單板雪板 租賃

$3 加幣(CAD) 每件物品以天數計價

我們提供多款雙板雪板& 單板雪板供您選擇,但大部分可租用的裝備都比較舊,且租賃頻繁。由於這是印度的古爾馬爾格(Gulmarg),請您不要期望與西方滑雪聖地擁有相同的品質標準。請多多見諒!

Rental - Avalanche Safety Gear - Gulmarg Ski Resort


$5 加幣(CAD)每件物品

古爾馬爾格(Gulmarg)和其他的滑雪勝地不同,95%都是越野滑雪道。 這意味著您有很大的機會在雪崩區域滑雪。然而雪崩這種天然災害,是您永遠無法預測事情。 因此,上山滑雪前必須有雪崩安全裝備(雪崩收發器、探測器和雪鏟)。否則,您將無法搭乘纜車上山滑雪。
